Sunday, 20 October 2013

Some new art work

Well the Kickstarter campaign was a great success and thank you to all who supported it.

I just wanted to post up some of the recent art work I've got to show you all how the project is coming along and I'm sure you'll agree with me this art work is just stunning.

Tuesday, 13 August 2013

Kickstarter Launched

Well it's here the Kickstarter has been launched and so far is doing well but it needs your support. You can help by backing the project from as little as £1 which earn you a well deserved thanks on this Blog or for £20 you can have yourself a hard back copy of the graphic novel or if your feeling generous there's plenty of other tiers of rewards you can back.

If you running low on cash you can still support the project by spreading the word and the link to the project on all your social media sites.

Thank you all for your support.


Friday, 26 July 2013

The Cover

Hi guys

sorry I've not updated in a little while we've had my Dad's funeral and it's weird as funerals go it was really good the church was packed, they even needed to bring in more chairs and walking in carrying my dad's coffin in to Chariots of Fire even had the toughest of men in tears it was very surreal.

So I thought I'd do a quick update and show off the amazing cover art, let me know what you think.

The Kickstarter is nearly ready, with the finishing touches being added to the video and proof reading and editing being done to the the project story.

But as I say for now enjoy the beautiful cover art.


Sunday, 7 July 2013

The rest of the lettered pages

Hi Pre fans

Sorry it's taken me longer than I intended bit of a busy week helping to sort funeral plans for my dad, but here are the rest of the pages lettered by Brett Evans. Again you can check out his website at

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Good and Bad News

Hi everyone

Thought I'd update you all on how the project is going. We have some great news the lettering is finished for the first 4 pages and the others hsould be done in the next day or so. The lettering has been done by Brett Evans who has done work for Image comics in the past as well as being a Steve Prefontaine fan. More of his work can be found at his website

On a sad note my dad who has been an inspiration to me and guided and coached me in my own running career has sadly passed away after battling bowel and liver cancer for the last 5 years. It is in his memory and in memory of Steve Prefontaine, my two running heroes that I will dedicated this graphic novel to when we fund it on Kickstarter and get it published.


Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Well the pages will be being lettered soon and then the Kickstarter shall be soon on its way, my wonderful fiancĂ©e is using her brilliant editing skills to put the video together. But for now here's some pictures of me with my moustache grown to try and look like Steve Prefontaine. Also if you want to listen to some great interview with top athletes check out my athletic podcast.


Monday, 10 June 2013

First pages

Here are the first several pages of the graphic novel done in black and white with two pages in colour to show what the graphic novel will look like in colour if I can raise the funds for it on Kickstarter when the campaign launches in a couple of weeks time. To check out other work done by the artist Sigit Nugroho go to his blog

Monday, 3 June 2013

Quick Update

Thought I'd post a little update

Well the script is nearly all done and hopefully should have the first 9 pages of the scripted illustrated by Friday so I can post them up on here and start to prepare for the Kickstarter campaign.

Last week I had pages 10 to 30 critiqued by the great guys at the Yorkshire League of Writers and gained some great feedback from them which has only allowed me to enhance the script further.
So check back at the end of the week as hopefully will have the first 9 pages up on the blog for you all to see.

And remember

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"


Wednesday, 22 May 2013

Inspirational video of Steve Prefontaine

For those who don't know about Steve Prefontaine here's a video from YouTube to give you some insight into the amazing man he was and for those who do know about Steve Prefontaine just sit back and enjoy!


Hi I'm Matthew Crehan; I'm a national level distance runner and a huge comic book fan. So I thought what better way to bring the two things I enjoy the most together, than by writing a semi biographical graphic novel of my running hero, Legendary Oregon runner Steve Prefontaine.

The story of Steve Prefontaine’s life is perfect for a graphic novel, having the human value of the relationships Prefontaine had, with his coach the Legendary Bill Bowerman who co-founded Nike, his friends and his fans known as ‘Pre’s People’, as well as the action brought through the dynamics of the impressive running he did to become one of the best runners in the world and to become a cult figure within the athletics world.
Sport has huge successes as a film genre, such as Blind Side starring Sandra Bullock, Any Given Sunday starring Al Pacino, Jamie Fox and Cameron Diaz, as well as many other great films including the two films about Steve Prefontaine.  Prefontaine (1997) starring Jared Leto as Steve Prefontaine and R. Lee Ermey as Bill Bowerman, and Without Limits (1998) starring Billy Crudup as Steve Prefontaine and Donald Sutherland as Bill Bowerman.

As well as film sport is major part of our society with millions of people all over the world, tuning in to watch the 2012 London Olympics last summer as well as to weekly sports fixtures across the world each week.

So why can’t sport be a successful genre in comics as well as film and society?

Over the next several months I aim to keep this blog up to date with all the information about the graphic novel, The Art of Running: The Steve Prefontaine Story, through previews of the art work and script as well as updates on its status, which shortly should be that the Kickstarter campaign to fund the project is underway, so keep your eyes peeled.