Tuesday 2 July 2013

Good and Bad News

Hi everyone

Thought I'd update you all on how the project is going. We have some great news the lettering is finished for the first 4 pages and the others hsould be done in the next day or so. The lettering has been done by Brett Evans who has done work for Image comics in the past as well as being a Steve Prefontaine fan. More of his work can be found at his website http://www.brettevans.com/Home.html

On a sad note my dad who has been an inspiration to me and guided and coached me in my own running career has sadly passed away after battling bowel and liver cancer for the last 5 years. It is in his memory and in memory of Steve Prefontaine, my two running heroes that I will dedicated this graphic novel to when we fund it on Kickstarter and get it published.


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