Tuesday, 25 June 2013


Well the pages will be being lettered soon and then the Kickstarter shall be soon on its way, my wonderful fiancĂ©e is using her brilliant editing skills to put the video together. But for now here's some pictures of me with my moustache grown to try and look like Steve Prefontaine. Also if you want to listen to some great interview with top athletes check out www.ontrackandfield.co.uk my athletic podcast.


Monday, 10 June 2013

First pages

Here are the first several pages of the graphic novel done in black and white with two pages in colour to show what the graphic novel will look like in colour if I can raise the funds for it on Kickstarter when the campaign launches in a couple of weeks time. To check out other work done by the artist Sigit Nugroho go to his blog http://wonderhand.blogspot.co.uk/2012_01_01_archive.html

Monday, 3 June 2013

Quick Update

Thought I'd post a little update

Well the script is nearly all done and hopefully should have the first 9 pages of the scripted illustrated by Friday so I can post them up on here and start to prepare for the Kickstarter campaign.

Last week I had pages 10 to 30 critiqued by the great guys at the Yorkshire League of Writers and gained some great feedback from them which has only allowed me to enhance the script further.
So check back at the end of the week as hopefully will have the first 9 pages up on the blog for you all to see.

And remember

"To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift"
